Sword & Shield Mac OS

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A sword is a sword, but it’s the never-ending story your child attributes to its gleaming, springy blade that makes it so fun to have. If you’re in the market for a new piece of trusty steel, here are some we recommend. Noun a weapon having various forms but consisting typically of a long, straight or slightly curved blade, sharp-edged on one or both sides, with one end pointed and the other fixed in a hilt or handle. This weapon as the symbol of military power, punitive justice, authority, etc.: The pen is mightier than the sword. VirtualShield offers the simplest, easiest, and best way to secure your internet connection on your Apple Mac computer. Gone are the days of worrying about your data being stolen by hackers. No longer can your ISP or other “Big Data” companies view your browsing history and sell your private data.

This is a list of types of swords.

The term sword used here is a narrow definition. This is not a general List of premodern combat weapons and does not include the machete or similar 'sword-like' weapons.

African swords[edit]

North African swords[edit]

  • Flyssa (19th century Algeria)
  • Kaskara (19th century Sudan)
  • Khopesh (Egyptian)
  • Mameluke sword (18th to 19th century Egyptian)
  • Nimcha (18th century Morocco and Algeria)

East African swords[edit]

  • Billao (Somali)
  • Shotel (Eritrea and Ethiopian)

West African swords[edit]

  • Akrafena (Ghana and Togo)
  • Ida (Nigeria and Benin)
  • Takoba (Mali and Niger)

Central African swords[edit]

Asian swords[edit]

East Asian swords[edit]

  • Dao (刀 pinyin dāo) 'sabre'
    • Baguadao (八卦刀)
    • Butterfly sword (蝴蝶雙刀)
    • Changdao (長刀)
    • Dadao (大刀)
    • Liuyedao (柳針刀)
    • Miao dao (苗刀)
    • Nandao (南刀)
    • Piandao (片刀)
    • Wodao (倭刀)
    • Yanmaodao (雁翎刀)
    • Zhanmadao (斬馬刀)
  • Jian (劍 pinyin jiàn)
    • Shuangshou jian (雙手劍)
  • Hook sword (鉤)
  • Nihonto (日本刀; にほんとう)
    • Bokken (木剣)
    • Chokutō (直刀)
    • Hachiwara(鉢割)
    • Iaitō (居合刀)
    • Jintachi (陣太刀)
    • Katana (刀; かたな)
    • Kenukigata tachi (毛抜型太刀)
    • Kodachi (小太刀)
    • Nagamaki (長巻)
    • Ninjato (忍者刀)
    • Ōdachi/Nodachi (大太刀/野太刀)
    • Sasuga (刺刀)
    • Shinai (竹刀)
    • Shinken (真剣)
    • Shikomizue (仕込み杖)
    • Tachi (太刀; たち)
    • Tantō (短刀; たんとう)
    • Tsurugi (剣)
    • Wakizashi (脇差; わきざし)
  • Hwandudaedo (환두대도; 环首大刀)
  • Saingeom (사인검)

Southeast Asian swords[edit]

Swords and knives found in Southeast Asia are influenced by Indian, Chinese, Middle Eastern, and European forms.

Sword & Shield Mac OS

South Asian Swords[edit]


India Bladed Weapons[edit]

Sri Lanka[edit]

West and Central Asian swords[edit]

  • Acinaces (Scythian short sword)

All of the Islamic world during the 16th to 18th century, including the Ottoman Empire and Persia were influenced by the 'scimitar' type of single-edged curved sword.Via the Mameluke sword this also gave rise to the European cavalry sabre.

Terms for the 'scimitar' curved sword:

  • Kilij (Turkish)
  • Pulwar (Afghanistan)
  • Shamshir (Persia)
  • Talwar (Indo-Pakistani)
  • Yataghan (Turkish)
  • Khanjar (Arabian)
  • Saif (Arabian)
  • Scimitar (Arabian)
  • Zulfiqar (Arabian)

European swords[edit]

Ancient history[edit]

  • Harpe (Greek mythology)
  • Iron Age sword
    • Falcata/Kopis (swords with forward-curving blade)
    • Makhaira (Ancient Greek sabre)
    • Xiphos (Greek term for the Iron Age sword)
  • Spatha [Greek-Roman sword]

Post-classical history[edit]

  • Arming sword (high medieval knightly sword)
  • Curtana (a medieval term for a ceremonial sword)
  • Longsword (late medieval)
    • Estoc (thrust-oriented)
    • Claymore (late medieval Scottish)
  • Paramerion (Eastern Roman Byzantine sword)
  • Viking sword (early medieval spatha)

Modern history[edit]

  • Early modern fencing
  • Modern fencing (sport equipment)

North American swords[edit]

  • U.S. regulation swords (sabres, and in some instances fascine knives shaped like short swords)

See also[edit]

Sword & Shield Mac Os Catalina


Minecraft Sword

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